Project Examples

Owner's Project Manager for Water Filtration Facility, Kingston, MA
Fulfilled Owner's Project Manager (OPM) services for design and construction of 1.44 mgd manganese removal facility. Construction completed and facility operational summer 2022.

Operations Assistance for Hatfield Water Department, MA
Provided operations and regulatory support including development of a practical O&M Manual with step-by-step guidance on facility operations, risk & resiliency assessment, EPR updates and regulatory compliance assistance.
On-Call Engineering for Dennis Water District, MA
Provided on-call engineering services to the Dennis Water District construction of 1 MG tank, rehabilitation of other tanks, operations of water filtration facilities, risk & resiliency assessment, ERP updates, operator TCH training programs and system operations consulting.

Replacement Well and Pump Station Renovations for West Boylston Water District, MA
Provided engineering services for installation of a replacement well and associated pump station renovations.

Water Management Act Permit Assistance for Buzzards Bay Water District, MA
The need for additional withdrawal limits required completion of a new Water Management Act Permit. ResilientCE completed demand projections, application submittal, negotiations with DEP for permit provisions.

Water Supply Resiliency Study for Uxbridge Water Department, MA
Completed a water supply resiliency study considering risk to both municipal and private wells from climate change - droughts and flooding. Additionally, completed risk & resiliency assessment and ERP updates.
On-Call Engineering for Auburn Water District, MA
Provided engineering services to the Auburn Water District on a range of projects including replacement well for Well 4, arsenic removal water quality study for South St Wells, NPDES permitting, regulatory compliance assistance and operations consulting.

New Source Investigations and Test Well Program for North Sagamore Water District, MA
Provided engineering services for completion of new source investigations and test well program.